Thursday, October 6, 2011

Parade! (again)

I'm curious to go back through the blog to see how many times I've written about parades. I know it's been more than 2 or 3 times. But that's ok, right? This is a fun parade because it's all about community.
I love this parade. It's not even a parade that takes place in the city we live in, but it's close by.
We're there because we have friends in the community along with other ties of our own.
This parade has that small town-middle America-feel to it. The band, cheerleaders,
dance team, various middle school and high school clubs; Homecoming court in their white dresses ride on the back of convertibles (where we decided it was the only place you'd see a Bentley with high school students riding and waving to the crowd)...these are the things that make up this parade. Candy was thrown. Babysitters were seen (in the band and as a cheerleader). Ears were plugged (the band was a bit loud for our kids...still?!).
A good time was had by all!
I love a parade. This parade is great. It's short. It's sweet (literally, with candy). It's not hot. It's all about community!

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