Monday, May 9, 2011

Flower Girl

Were you ever a flower girl? I don't think I was. At least I don't remember being one. I remember being a junior bridesmaid (which I loved) but not a flower girl. This weekend our little girl got to be a flower girl in Aunt Lisa's wedding. She ate it up!
We talked about it after getting home today-about how she's going to have to come down off that cloud she's on after having everyone tell her how cute she was. You know, even at age 4, she knew she was the center of attention and turned on the charm!
We practiced tossing the petals down as if she were walking down the aisle.
When it was time she did it, but was a little concerned about Ella (who is 2) because she didn't toss any petals down.
You could hear it plain as day, "Mommy, Ella didn't toss any petals on the ground."
She twirled and spun in her dress while keeping up with her brother and the other boys playing on the playground at Eberly Farm.
She looked out of the corner of her eyes to get herself a piece of cake, even though she only had a roll for dinner.
And she was the last one on the dance floor and was the only one to dance to (almost) every song during the dance.
I don't know where she gets her energy, but I wish I had some of it!
My little flower girl definitely did what she does best...was the prettiest girl a mama could ever ask for, all while doing her job as a flower girl and being polite to everyone she saw!


  1. What beautiful pictures. You can see the twinkle in her eyes. There is something so special about being a part of a wedding. It sounds like your little flower girl cherished every moment.

  2. What a cutie! She looks like a princess. These times are wonderful memories for you to keep.

  3. And in just a few very short years she will be a princess again, needing her own flower girl! Believe me, it seems like I just turned around for a minute!
    She's a sweetie! Cherish the time.

  4. Oh the joy of a little girl in a princess dress and being the center of attention. You love and pride in her was revealed in every word! And I love the pictures!

  5. Special to see all the photos, which showed so much of your little girl's happiness. I'm glad you shared with us.
