Thursday, August 9, 2012

Library Ride

First bike ride to library today!

We rode our bikes to the library today! I'm not sure exactly how far it is, but I bet it's about a mile there. We're trying to build our stamina to be able to ride around Lake Harriet. That's still a goal for the summer. The kids have been asking since the beginning of the summer (already 2 months ago!). This was good practice today. There were hills and a few breaks, but the kids still did great!

After picking out books, they got them in their backpacks and proceeded to ask us to wear them home. The limit was 6 books, but the bags were still pretty heavy!

I love trying new things like this with the kids. Today's bike ride was C's idea. He was so proud of it and so surprised to hear me say, "Yes!" to riding bikes. It was the best of both worlds, really, because A wanted to go to the library and C wanted to ride bikes. That's how he came to bringing both together. Love those kids. Love that they love books and love that they love bikes! Doesn't get much better!

And so continues my days of writing 6 word stories...have you read them all yet?

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