Saturday, November 13, 2010

And just like that...

...winter is here! This morning we woke up to a land of winter white. The kids tromped up the stairs around 7:00 and stood at the top of the stairs in our bedroom, looking out the window. Comments heard were as follows...

"Mom! Did you see it?! It's snowing!"-A
"Can we go play in the snow?"-both
"Look at those gigantic snowflakes. They're huge!"-C
"C, did you see the table? The snow is even on the table outside!"-A
"Can we go play outside in the snow? It's wake-up time, isn't it?"-both
"I can't believe how much snow there is. It's even stuck to the window!"-C
"Where are the sleds? You know, the ones that Mamma and Papa got us for Christmas last year? Yeah, where are they? Well, can we sled on them today? But there's snow out there so we can go sledding!"-A

Of course we went out and played in the snow right away after breakfast. J & I hadn't even started putting our things on and I turned around and A was already dressed, head to toe! Again, what a difference a year makes. They both asked for all of their things and got them on by themselves! It was great, and good for them to know how to do it all when they're at school.
We already have 2 snowmen made in the yard, too. That's something we haven't ever made before because the snow never seemed to be just right to do it. So it was very fun to be able to do that already. Snowballs have been thrown. Snow angels have been made. Shoveling has been done. We're headed outside again later this afternoon to do some more playing, and I suppose, some sledding too.
J and I said to each other that we forgot how much the kids really do love winter. They love everything about it. Welcome winter...I suppose you're here to stay!

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