Monday, July 16, 2012

Something new...and definitely unexpected

It's a funny thing to get older. You think you have it figured out: friends, job, likes, dislikes, foods, etc. Then you realize you don't. That happened tonight. It's always interesting to me that at this point in my life I could find someone new that I connect with on so many levels. I mean, really? I have 6 year olds. I've been married for 11 years. I've been teaching for 11 years. Things are pretty solid. But then 2 worlds come together and that all changes.

A new friend at this point in life is kind of beyond me because I always assume everyone else has things set too. Who would want me as a new friend? What do I have to offer anyone that they don't already have? Well, it seems she does like me as a friend and I do have something to offer her just as she has something to offer me. a lot to offer me!

I know this because of many different things-some which are big things and some which are little things: we eat the same things and can share a meal when we go out; our faith values are the same; she grew up where I went to college; she has twins too; what is important to her and her husband with her kids is equally important to J and I with our kids. This is just a short list. If you had been with tonight for our 2 hour dinner, you would have heard many more.

She said something tonight that I knew I would forget, but seemed so profound. Ok, got it: The challenge is to be in this world, not of this world.

Isn't that so true? It's all about living with what you have and with what you like and being ok with it. It's about being present. It's about not trying to keep up with everyone else and loving things as they are. Something I have to remember. It's so easy to get caught up in wanting or thinking you need things to be different-whether it be with a house, a job, the kids and what activities they are doing (or not doing), clothes, trips-the list is unending. Talking with her makes it real. It reminds me of what is most important. Not the things or what's around me, but who I am and what we stand for as parents and as a family. Not worrying about having or wanting the best, but being the best.

See, it's not every day you are reminded of these things. And sometimes it takes a new friend to remind you of that. A new friend that seems like an old friend, which is the best kind of friend to have.


  1. That is a constant prayer of be not of this world as I am in it. And it is lovely when that happens. Sounds like you have found quite a friend.

  2. Not worrying about having or wanting the best, but being the best.

    Our life is not our possessions. I am happy you found a new friend. I have moved so many times, I had to find new friends.

  3. Yah, isn't it great when life surprises us? Staying open to the surprises is so important, yet we can so easily forget! Thanks for the reminder!

  4. Growing up I often heard, "When the student was ready the teacher would appear." Its always wonderful when we get validated. It always helps me to grow and feel good about where I am.

    I really enjoyed how you expressed your amazement and delight with your new friend.

  5. What a powerful post! To have anew friend and to learn from them. To be reminded that we are fine as we are and to be accepted - what a valuable friend!

  6. My husband and I (who are much older than you!) were just talking about this yesterday. How hard it is to be set apart, not following the crowd just for the sake of fitting in. There's a line there, and it involves integrity and standing up for what you believe in. (Nowadays it also involves knowing what you believe in the first place!) I love what you said: "Not worrying about having or wanting the best, but being the best." Wow! All this and a new (old soul) friend, too. Lucky you! THANKS for sharing these good thoughts.

  7. A new friend who feels like an old friend, the best kind to have.

    I have made a new friend recently, and we immediately felt like old friends. I have also found that as I get older, I can be friends with people of many different ages. I never would have thought that when I was younger.

    Thanks for sharing.

  8. It's a win-win for everybody, including those reading your slice today. Your new friend sounds like a smart friend and the reminder of just being present and enjoying life is great. I'm glad you were able to be reflective about your new found friendship and share today!

  9. I like it! Something to think about and add to my list of future posts -- Friends. :-)

  10. It is so good to have our fires lit by new friends all the way through our lives. Some of my most significant friendships began late in my life, (like Firefly, I'm much older than you,)and the trick is to sustain them. I found myself needing to set "play dates" on the calendar and commit to meeting.
